“Heleen uses a broad range of interventions in her work as coach and moderator. What appealed to me was the constant connection she made between communication and the awareness of body signals.
She stimulates, inspires, is positive and trustworthy.
In a matter of months I have learnt a lot. I actually put it into practice, both at work and at home.”
Liesbeth van Dril, Dutch Ministry of Education
“Working with and from the physical body works well for me. What really struck me was the insight that when I focus, I can achieve anything I want.”
Francis Kilian, artist
“I got in touch with Heleen to improve my verbal communication skills. With relatively simple exercises she helped me to focus more. During the second session we hit on a fundamental problem that had little to do with my verbal skills. Naming and facing my core values touched something that had been dormant too long. It started a process resulting in focus and a more effective verbal expression. Mission accomplished!
Heleen’s method and approach appealed to me. That helped to get to the root of the problem. The result of her coaching exceeded my expectations and has given me benefits at a deeper level. I found my true power again!”
Ans van Lier, GGD practitioner in Utrecht
“Heleen created a safe environment in which I could encounter any old demon. She accompanied me through all my challenges with respect. The fog disappeared and I found space for a new perspective. Heleen tailored to my needs during this intense and rewarding coaching.”
Yvonne Smit, management assistent at Arnhem Art Academy and designer
“Heleen’s workshop was fun and practical: I learned how to communicate with more focus and to recognize the different levels of aggression. Very useful for my daily work practice. A real recommendation!”
Inge D’eer, Rehabilitation doctor
“As a trainer (actress) responsible for the “Selection Skills” course, Heleen was sharp in observing students, and effective in communicating her impressions. She created a lively and friendly atmosphere, in which we practiced performing an interview as a team interacting with her and with each other. Playing an applicant role, she challenged us to explore and gain insights not only on selection skills, but also on communication particularly in difficult situations.”
Iman Mossavat, senior design engineer at ASML
“I definitely learned a lot from you: I’m way more conscious of my breathing and energy. During my presentation I was continuously aware of talking calmly, breathing from my belly, not rushing too much and pausing after every full stop. I think these things helped to make my presentation more effective. Thanks again for a fun and insightful coaching session.’ Jeroen van der Laak, Radboud University Nijmegen.
The personal pitch training was very useful to me. The breathing exercises and practicing to talk freely made me calmer and more relaxed during the actual pitch. It went fantastic! Thank you so much for this, Heleen!”
Juultje Sommers, AMC UvA, Amsterdam University.
Juultje Sommers and Marike van der Schaaf win the Audience Award after a session Presentation Skills www.amc.nl/web/nieuws-en-verhalen/verhalen/community/lopend-naar-herstel