If you are organizing an event for your (in-company) female network and wish to bring something special and of lasting impact, you may find my interactive workshops interesting. The key element is always the physical experience: there will be simple exercises that give further insight in communication and behavioural patterns. What’s more they create fun and energy!
I prefer to develop unique workshop matching your purpose, time frame and audience. That means we’ll have close contact making a suitable program. Just to give you an idea of the topics I work with:
Body Language: high power pose & low power pose
Bearing the discomfort of addressing an audience
Focus your message
Emotion management: how to handle your emotions
Bridging (cultural) differences

What people say about my workshops:
“She had us interactively participating in a fun way and we were all impressed by the shift we experienced. She has a relaxed, hands on approach which when combined with her focus and passion makes for a very inspiring workshop. Dont miss it!” – J.K., President WBII.“I came to quite a few insights on my own approach to communication and particularly confronting people in difficult situations. She certainly had a big impact on me in a rather short time. She created a lively and friendly atmosphere, in which we practiced performing an interview as a team interacting with her and with each other.” – I.M., engineer at ASML.
Would you like to treat your network to an inspiring workshop? Get in touch so we can discuss the possibilities. For larger audiences all the workshop topics are easily adapted into presentations.